Thursday 19 December 2013

The Brightest minds cast the deepest shadows – Christmas 2013
These are my liner notes for the Christmas CD 2013 with links to videos & extra tracks. Enjoy...
This year has been swathed in coils of sorrow and loss. My world was razed to the ground on the 24 February and I still stumble through the ruins. The sun went out and I languish in an ice age; a brave face masking sadness just below the surface. Writing exposes the hurt, and what was once a pleasure has become pain. Even these few words are a struggle and bring turbulence.
This compilation was also a challenge because some songs here transport me to feelings and memories which are difficult. But I have tried to balance pain with hope because Doreen Alice warrants celebration. She was many things, but always vibrant, loving, generous, funny, opinionated, sexual and passionate. She made me in her belly and gave me many traits which I applaud and embrace.
Thanks to Mike H, Mike W, India, Clare & Rui for making this & the Podcast happen J
Moonbeams (Take Me to the Land of Hell) - Yoko Ono & the Plastic Ono Band
I have always had enormous admiration for Yoko Ono, her art and her dignity. Like the country of her birth, she never fails to surprise and this excerpt from ‘Moonbeams’ felt like a fitting start to this year’s bonanza. People are planets, their souls are suns.
Busted Note (Haw) - Hiss Golden Messenger
Haw came to me through a friend and this track immediately grabbed my attention. For reasons unknown, God (whatever that is), threads this compilation. I suspect there’s something subliminal going on because I’ve found myself searching for answers. Of course there aren’t any, life’s simply a bottle and death the stopper, or is it?
God Bless the Girl (The Next Day) – David Bowie
For Bowie fans the re-emergence of the thin white duke on January 8th was the best present imaginable. For me he is and will always be the high water mark of popular culture. No one can touch him and in 2013 he was everywhere. There is no other. This track, which features the Bowie choir in fine voice, appeared on the Japanese pressing of ‘The Next Day’ so hopefully will be new to some of you.
About Farewell (About Farewell) – Alela Diane
Alela’s fourth album of songs beautifully articulates the feelings which spin from a breakup. It stands comparison to Joni’s ‘Blue’ thanks to an honesty and sorrow which will connect with anybody who has loved and lost. She herself observed ‘nothing is really shrouded in metaphor or anything. I’m laying my cards on the table. I’m just saying it how it is.’
Incompatible (Obsidian) – Baths
Baths (Will Wiesenfeld) swept into my world thanks to numerous plugs from Rui, the Portuguese wind. I sometimes struggle with electronica as a genre, often finding it ephemeral and transitory but rich seams of gold emerged in Obsidian which gave a warm glow to 2013. It also delights me to see yet another great gay writer take the stage.
Cecil Taylor (Fanfare) – Jonathan Wilson
Jonathan Wilson was a live highlight of 2013. Watching his playing up close and personal was a privilege. Although there is nothing new in his approach, his music is timeless and the nods to Little Feat, Santana, Dylan and Pink Floyd bring joy to an old fart like me.
Ambiguity (Fellow Travellers) – Shearwater
Shearwater narrowly missed out on the final cut last year so it’s a pleasure to include them this time around. They were also a live highlight of 2012. Fellow Travellers showcases a set of covers and this one comes from David Thomas Broughton, a British folk artist renowned for improvising and recording in one take. ‘It's easy to forget where you came from if there's no question of your return.
The Pisgee Nest (Me Moan) – Daughn Gibson
Daughn had me all a quiver in 2013. On stage his charisma and sex appeal oozed like honey from a comb, inducing palpitations and bringing to mind a young Elvis. He swaggers with the best but in person you couldn’t wish to meet a more unassuming young man (as Giles will testify). A star is born & definitely one to watch (over & over).
Shame Chamber (Wakin On A Pretty Daze) - Kurt Vile
Wakin on a Pretty Daze was a purchase that never left my side during the year. Few records get better with every listen but this one does. Beautifully conceived with great lines and licks around every corner, this comes highly recommended. ‘How can I look myself in the mirror, then again, why should i?’
Mélancolie (Beautiful Africa) - Rokia Traoré
Seeing an artist live often makes or breaks a record for me. Savages and Valerie June for example fell off this listing as a result of lacklustre or tired performances. Rokia Traoré on the other hand burst through like Malian sunshine. She was simply sublime and joyful live.
Song for Zula (Muchacho) – Phosphorescent
I love the epic canter of this song and the way it expresses the space that exists between love and hate, something I’ve experienced in my own romances and most recently with my father. How love opens up our vulnerabilities whilst being ‘just as fickle as a feather in a stream.’
Will You Love Me (Big Inner) - Matthew E. White
Tue 22nd Jan 2013 saw the snows engulf Brighton and road gridlock meant that I arrived late to Matthew’s first ever headlining UK show. I only caught a few songs but his lush soulfulness, good humour and warm delivery was enough to fix this record in my consciousness. Resident Music’s record of the year too J
My Love My Life (Get Schooled EP) - Villagers & John Grant
John’s show at St George’s Church was the live high point of my musical year. Moving, beautiful and heartfelt, it was everything a performance should be. Pale Green Ghosts was also my runner up record of 2013, narrowly beaten by you know who. Here John is paired with Villagers who also turned in a wonderful show at the Old Market this year. This ABBA tune features on a limited edition EP called ‘Get Schooled’ so may be new to some of you.
Old Blue (No Selfish Heart) – Rick Redbeard
Rick Anthony stepped away from the Phantom Band and rebranded as Redbeard for this wonderful solo outing. I had the pleasure of seeing and meeting him in March accompanied by my lovely chum Paul. This song made me cry on the night thanks to the lines about time. My mother had passed just a few weeks before and time had run out. The performance can be seen here -
Even the Stars (Let It All In) – I Am Kloot
I listened to this song over and over on the train journeys to Northampton when my mother was sick. It’s a simple tune with an even simpler message. Everything dies, so live for the moment and do things that count. We have no control of the past or future, just the now. ‘To say just one thing that matters’ became my mantra in February and I played this song to her on the day that she died.
I Wanted To Say More (Give In) – On An On
This is another song that sound tracked February gaining great power for obvious reasons.  I listened to the advice of dear friend Mike R and did my best to say everything I needed to when I sat alone with Doreen Alice, but inevitably I wanted to say more. Every word was true and the conversation has continued with signs that she’s listening.
Abandon Window (Immunity) – Jon Hopkins
I was signposted to this record by my friend Jim and on a chance visit to Resident decided to buy it. I played it in the car on the way home and was unaffected until this tune emerged as I charged along the coast road. Doreen Alice filled the car and tears simply exploded from me. I have no idea why, but it’s become one of the songs that bring her back.
The Other Side (Museum Of Appalachia Recordings) – Diana Jones
A short but lovely track lifted from a record so authentic it could have been made 50 years ago. Chosen for obvious reasons and a suitable end to this little collection made for Doreen Alice and dear friends across the globe. If you have this disc you’re special to me in one way or another, so please remember that J
Limitless undying Love
That shines around me like a million suns
It calls me on and on across the universe.
Jai Guru Deva, om
Soundcloud: pygar59